Automated Backup and Data Synchronization
Automated backup keeps your inventory data synchronized with an online master copy, protected by account credentials. Whenever you make inventory changes on your device, those changes also get applied to the online master, and to any devices also signed into that account. Likewise, if the inventory changes on a different device signed into the same account, your device will also be updated.
If you replace your phone, you can simply sign back into your account from a new device, and your inventory will be restored to that new device.

Note that each App Store and Google Play account needs to purchase the Unlimited upgrade to sync data.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I activate automated backup?
Create an account in the app to turn on automated inventory backup. Detailed instructions follow:
- From the Home tab of the Inventory Wolf app, tap the Menu icon at the top right and choose Settings.
- Scroll down to "Automatically synchronize data to account" and tap the checkbox to enable data sync.
- Enter your email and a password, and tap Create Account. Once you've verified your email, your inventory will be synced to that online account.
How do I synchronize my inventory across multiple devices?
Sign in to each additional device using the email and password for the account you created on your first device.
How do I change my password?
Sign out and utilize the Forgot Password function. Detailed instructions follow:
- From the Home tab of the Inventory Wolf app, tap the Menu icon at the top right and choose Settings.
- Scroll down to "Automatically synchronize data to account" and tap Sign-Out.
- Now tap Forgot Password. You'll then be able to enter a new password and verify it with a code sent to your email.
It's not syncing between device A and device B
One thing to make sure of is that Notifications are enabled for the app on your phone(s) - since we use the Notifications system to sync the data.
- On iPhone you can check this by going to the phone Settings, scrolling down to the Inventory Wolf app, tapping it, then tapping Notifications, and making sure Allow Notifications is toggled on. Check this on both device A and device B.
- On Android you can check this by going to the phone Settings, tapping Apps, scrolling down to the Inventory Wolf app, tapping it, tapping Notifications, and making sure notifications aren't blocked.
Another thing to note is that the view of the inventory doesn’t get refreshed until it is regenerated. So if you’re on the Inventory tab, looking at a can of beans on device A, then change it on device B, device A won’t reflect that change until sync happens (around one minute) and you navigate around your inventory on device A a bit to prompt refreshing the view of those beans.
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